Sci-Fi movies

A SWAT team transporting a vicious crime syndicate boss must fight their way out of a county detention center during a catastrophic alien invasion.

Jonathan leaves the office every day at noon. When he gets home, he goes to sleep. Every morning he wakes up and there is a breakfast prepared for him along with a video telling him about the second part of his day.

Bullied by his boss, worked around the clock, he's nothing more than a corporate drone. All it takes is a zombie outbreak for him to finally feel alive.

Two journalists investigate mysterious cattle mutilations near French-Swiss border for TV. Scientific team they planned to meet vanished upon arrival. Focuses on their search for missing researchers and unraveling the strange events.

A mute alien with the appearance of a black human is chased by outer-space bounty hunters through the streets of Harlem.

A computer-scientist/novelist reunites with his childhood friend, hacks into government databases, and faces the dire and fateful consequences of the mystical actions he obtained as a child.


Rabid (2019)

5.21h 47m

Metascore: 43

The quiet Rose works in women's fashion clothing, hoping to be a designer. A traffic accident damages her face. She gets experimental stem cell treatment, leaving her stronger and prettier than ever - but there's a side effect.

Count Dracula terrorizes the crew of a spaceship.

In a post-apocalyptic future where no one is able to speak, the few remaining humans fight over resources in order to survive.

Survivors from a massive earthquake struggle for a new life in Seoul.

A high school student and his friend find a strange, orb-like piece of equipment to use as a science project, but must stop it when it begins to threaten mankind.

Set in a wasteland enclosed by a large white wall, the last survivor from a brutal child internment camp reluctantly takes on one final bounty hunting job to protect the idyllic life he has rebuilt.

Four men searching for one's brother are shipwrecked on Letchi Island, where they encounter Godzilla, a monstrous lobster, and terrorists who have enslaved the natives of Infant Island.

An anthropologist from an alien planet provides voice-over commentary for a documentary at human courtship, mating, and reproduction.

A documentary crew follows an elite unit of soldiers in the wake of an alien invasion.

The Rangers come face-to-face with a familiar threat from the past. In the midst of a global crisis, they are called on once again to be the heroes the world needs.

Batman and Robin of the 1960s live action series are back in action to take down their fiendish foes united once more against them.

When a spaceship lands on the moon, it is hailed as a new accomplishment, before it becomes clear that a Victorian party completed the journey in 1899, leading investigators to that mission's last survivor.

Federation trooper, Johnny Rico's ordered to work with a group of new recruits on a satellite station on Mars, where giant bugs have decided to target their next attack.

Criminals and a beautiful but cunning hitchhiker battle a supernatural force known as the Reaper.

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