United States movies
While his mom recovers in hospital from a heart attack, John puts his busy life on hold to fly home and help his elderly dad around the house. John's son later joins them and they all truly bond for the first and, tragically, final time.
An astronaut is transformed into a murderous gelatinous mass after returning from an ill-fated space voyage.
The misadventures of a group of unfortunate but streetwise cabbies working for a Washington, D.C., decrepit taxicab company.
Aging cowboy Will Penny gets a line camp job on a large cattle spread and finds his isolated cabin is already occupied by an abandoned woman traveler and her young son.
Sarah and Josh are married suburbanites. After a car accident, Sarah suffers blackouts. As her life spirals she hides a camera in her home and unlocks a horrific secret with far-reaching consequences.
When his wife falls ill, a father finds himself carpooling for the neighborhood schoolchildren--and being taken hostage by a bank robber.
A young boy fighting cancer writes letters to God, touching lives in his neighborhood and community and inspiring hope among everyone he encounters. An unsuspecting substitute postman with his own troubled life becomes entangled in the boy's journey and family by reading the lett... Read all
After a series of misunderstandings, the head of an aerospace research laboratory begins to suspect that his new girlfriend is a Russian spy.
At the closing of 1874 a haunted, dying Wild Bill Hickok teams up with a grieving Crazy Horse to hunt a murderous albino buffalo.
The story of the great sharpshooter Annie Oakley, who rose to fame while dealing with her love/professional rival, Frank Butler.
Two best friends set out to rescue their pal after he's accidentally dragged to hell.
Leo and Angela Russo live a simple life in Queens, surrounded by their overbearing Italian-American family. When their son 'Sticks' finds success on his high-school basketball team, Leo tears the family apart trying to make it happen.
City-boy Raymond returns to his hometown and finds a vengeful ghost is terrorizing his house. Therefore, this man-child recruits Becca, a badass local bartender, to solve the mystery of the spirit threatening people's lives.
In 1942 California, two young men await induction into the U.S. Marines and say goodbye to their girlfriends.
Madea, Bam, and Hattie venture to a haunted campground and the group must run for their lives when monsters, goblins, and the boogeyman are unleashed.
The day before her wedding, a pampered young woman absconds with her sister's husband. Her sister begins seeing the woman's former fiancé.
Racing across the country from L.A. to New York, a plethora of exotic cars carry contestants hoping to win a very large sum.
An evil ninja attempts to avenge his death from beyond the grave, by possessing an innocent woman's body.
On a Greek island during the 1912 war, several people are trapped by quarantine for the plague. If that isn't enough worry, one of the people, a superstitious old peasant woman, suspects one young girl of being a vampiric kind of demon called a vorvolaka.