Leonardo Sbaraglia movies
A film director reflects on the choices he's made in life as the past and present come crashing down around him.
A paraplegic computer engineer in a wheelchair starts hearing noises and voices of bank robbers in his basement.
In a world where luck can be taken from a lucky person by a luckier person's touch, a small group of lucky people compete to be the luckiest and for the other contestants' luck.
A chronicle of the life of a middle-class French girl's sexual adventures, her then fall into prostitution, and her ultimate redemption.
Inspector Amaia Salazar returns to the Baztán's valley for a new case, and this time even her loved ones won't be safe.
Inspector Amaia Salazar confronts the origins of her nightmares as she unfolds the darkest secrets of the Baztan valley.
Nene & Angel and their accomplice Cuervo participate in a botched bank robbery in 1965 Buenos Aires, then hide out from the police in Uruguay while the gang breaks down.