Massimo Girotti movies

A mysterious young man seduces each member of a bourgeois family. When he suddenly leaves, how will their lives change?

Overburdened and stuck in a greying marriage, Giovanna takes to caring for the Jewish Holocaust survivor her husband brings home. As she begins to reflect on her life, she turns to the man who lives across from her ...

Gino, a drifter, begins an affair with inn-owner Giovanna, and they plan to get rid of her older husband.

An Italian Countess is allied with Nationalists during the Italian-Austrian war of unification. However, she risks betraying their cause when she falls in love with an Austrian lieutenant.

After his quest to retrieve the fabled Golden Fleece, Jason returns to Greece with powerful sorceress Medea. However, when the king banishes her, it's only human that Medea plots her furious revenge. Can they escape her wrath?

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