Kathleen Quinlan movies
A rescue crew is tasked with investigating the mysterious reappearance of a spaceship that had been lost for seven years.
A traveling family falls victim to a group of mutated cannibals in a desert far away from civilization.
A man searches for his missing wife after his car breaks down in the middle of the desert.
At the risk of bankrupting his firm and career, lawyer Jan Schlichtman takes on a case involving two companies responsible for causing children to be diagnosed with leukemia due to the town's contaminated water supply.
When Devon, a 10-year-old girl, forges a friendship with Trent, a 21-year-old outsider who mows the neighborhood lawns, things suddenly get very complicated and private.
Billy Crystal plays a Hollywood agent who stumbles upon Max, a giant living in Romania, and tries to get him into the movies.
In 1997, a young boy is out hunting with his grandfather, when he stumbles upon a mysterious staircase deep in the forest. The subsequent disappearance leaves locals baffled as to the fate of the wayward pair.