Craig T. Nelson movies

While trying to lead a quiet suburban life, a family of undercover superheroes are forced into action to save the world.

The Incredibles family takes on a new mission which involves a change in family roles: Bob Parr (Mr. Incredible) must manage the house while his wife Helen (Elastigirl) goes out to save the world.

A family's home is haunted by a host of demonic ghosts.

A detective must adopt a rambunctious dog in order to help him find a killer.

The Freeling family have a new house, but their troubles with supernatural forces don't seem to be over.

An ambitious young football star is trapped in a dying mill town--unless his gridiron skills can win him a way out.

Vengeance drives a tough Detroit cop to stay on the trail of a power-hungry auto magnate who is systematically eliminating his competition.

A soon to be divorced Beverly Hills socialite is determined to prove to her husband and herself that she can finish what she starts out to do, by becoming a den mother to a troop of Beverly Hills Girl Scouts.

During the Cold War, a controversial television journalist is asked by the C.I.A. to persuade certain acquaintances, who are Soviet Agents of the Omega network, to defect.

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